Do Your Best and Keep Fighting!
Blooming Sparkly Red Rose

Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

# Semester 2



Presenter           : Good morning, everybody! Welcome back in your favorites show! Here we are! Prepare yourself! Because now you watch the most phenomenal show in entire universe! It’s TIC TALK!!
Presenter           : Well, this morning we have two special guests! These are very special guests because they are beautiful and also smart. Both graduate in the same college, one of most expensive universities in the world, Columbia University!
Let’s skip the chit chat and please welcome our first guest, Tasya Kamila!
Tasya Kamila   : Hello.
Cinta Laura      : Hi
Presenter        : It’s a honor for me to meet you! So, How are you?
Tasya Kamila   : I’m fine, thanks. Nice to meet you, everyone! It’s a honor for me to be one of the guest in this famous talkshow too.
Cinta aura        : I’m doing well, thank you
Presenter        : Ok let’s move to the point! So, for Tasya you got into Columbia University and graduated there. I mean, not just got in, but full scholarship. And this obviously, has been a dream for you, right?
Tasya Kamila   : Oh, yes. It’s been, like, the goal that you worked for a long time. And it’s really surreal just to be able to say that I just got accepted
Presenter        : Yeah, your family, and so many people must be so proud of you. Our little singer has grown up to be a smart and beautiful young lady. Congratulations!
Tasya Kamila   : Oh, thank you!
Presenter        : ok for  Cinta, we knew that you're busy studying and filming, can you tell us how you manage your time as efficiently as possible?
Cinta Laura      : Every day I wake up at 5:30. Then get ready to go to school at 6:00. Arrive at school at 07.00. At 8:00 I started the activity at school until 3:00 p.m. At 4:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. I filmed. Arriving at home at 24.00 and immediately doing my college assignments until 3:00 a.m. And the rest of the time I use to sleep. Just like that every day. Oh yes, if there is an essay assignment, I work on it for a week before being collected. Never overnight before a new deadline is done
Presenter        : ok now for both of you, back to college, what kind of struggles that need to be faced while studying abroad?
Tasya Kamila : Of course. I have to struggled more than I do in Jakarta. There’s also ups and downs on it. The ups is I’ve gotten to know myself more, morphing into a more independent individual and the downs is I have to leave my family behind in Jakarta. Like when my father passed away while I’m studying in US, I can’t immediately look after him. It’s the saddest. But I’ve learned so many things because of this. And also i got struggle in speaking up in class.
Cinta laura       : I was nervous too when it was the first day of college. Surely the demands of studying there are higher than in high school. Fear of not being able to follow the learning method there. But after attending the college class, it turned out that the lecturer was very good and very motivating. so, there's nothing to worry about
Presenter        : oke for Tasya why is speaking up in class is one of your struggles
Tasya Kamila   : because I never studied abroad, and because English is my second language so I need time to string words first before i address my question or my opinion in the right english flow so that is understandable.
Presenter        : ok Tasya, maybe that quite be hard but i know you learn a alot from that struggle, oke next question is for cinta. Cinta . Anyways Cinta, we heard you got 2 scholarships, so have you graduated really?
Cinta Laura      : Yes that's true, so I immediately got two scholarships at once in London. I got this scholarship after being crowned as one of the students with cum laude predicate from Columbia University, USA (US). But I  want to study S2 (master) at Harvard University, United States (US)  
Presenter        :  wow, that’s so amazing cinta, you’re so gorgeous
Cinta Laura      : Oh thank you.
Presenter            : Tasya we all know that you get scholarship from LPDP for study abroad, Can you give us some tips to get a scholarship ?
Tasya Kamila      : Ok, First you have to search all of about LPDP. Which is the requirement and terms, what kind of test that you have to face, and the other. It’s so easy, you can check it on their website, all you want to know is there. For the essay, just spill out your opinion and all about yourself there. Just be yourself. Tell everything about what will you do for better Indonesia. They’re looking for someone who can contribute to Indonesia and have a strong sense of nationalism.
Presenter            : next questions,where do you usually study besides at the college?
Tasya Kamila      : I spend my time to studying in library more often. It’s more comfortable for me. I mean, Home is good too but You know what, i can see a pile of dirty laundry and dishes and it’s make me to keep thinking about it and than I’ll sigh a big sigh.
Presenter            : How about you cinta ?
Cinta Laura      : Ok, there I spend time studying in the library and myself, because I feel more focused on learning. Because this library is like my second home. I often suddenly wake up early in the library. If I'm with friends, I just hangout or walk, it's just for entertainment
Presenter        : oke here is the last question for both of you, , what are your plans after graduating from college?
Tasya Kamila : For the beginning, I really want to share my experience during study aboard in US, develop the foundation that I make, and also I want to focus contribute to Indonesia. Doing some good things for Indonesia.
Cinta Laura : For the next 2 years, I chose to continue my career in Hollywood and after that I continued to study again
Presenter        : okay girls thankyou so much, that you want to hang up with us, and share your story with us, thank you so much.

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